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Short bio

(at Top of the Rock =>)

Programming Skills

Laboratory during Waseda University

Research Theme


Professional Memberships

Educational Background


WITH Peer-Review

  1. Yu Omori, Keiji Kimura, “Open-Source Hardware Memory Protection Engine Integrated With NVMM Simulator”, IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, Vol. 21, Issue 2, pp.77-80, Aug. 2022.
  2. Yu Omori, Keiji Kimura, “Open-Source RISC-V Linux-Compatible NVMM Emulator”, Sixth Workshop on Computer Architecture Research with RISC-V (CARRV 2022), co-located with ISCA’22, Jun. 2022.
  3. Yu Omori, Keiji Kimura, “Non-Volatile Main Memory Emulator for Embedded Systems Employing Three NVMM Behaviour Models IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems”, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E104-D, No. 5, pp.697-708, May. 2021.
  4. Yu Omori, Keiji Kimura, “Performance Evaluation on NVMM Emulator Employing Fine-Grain Delay Injection”, The 8th IEEE Non-Volatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium (IEEE NVMSA 2019), Aug. 2019

WITHOUT Peer-Review

  1. 大森 侑、木村 啓二, “不揮発性メインメモリエミュレータの評価”, ETNET2019, Mar. 2019.
  2. 林 知輝, 大森 侑, 木村 啓二, “整合性ツリーおよび暗号化機構を持つ不揮発性メインメモリエミュレータの実装”, ETNET2021, Mar. 2021.
  3. 大森 侑, 木村 啓二, “Linuxが動作可能なRISC-V NVMMエミュレータの実装”, ETNET2021, Mar., 2021.
  4. Lena Yu, Yu Omori, Keiji Kimura, “Prototype Implementation of Non-Volatile Memory Support for RISC-V Keystone Enclave”, SWoPP2021, Jul. 2021.


  1. 2018/07 : IEEE HKN Member Certification
  2. 2020/03 : Waseda University Graduate Skipping at Master Course (1 year)
  3. 2021/04 : IEICE CPSY Presentation Award for Excellent Young Researcher
  4. 2021/06 : IEEE-HKN Key Chapter Award



